"A bible for the consumer who is looking for rejuvenation and is concerned about what procedure they really need ." -- James E. Kotler's book is certainly timely. Sound decisions translate to piece of mind—an important factor for plastic surgery." -- Howard Murad, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology, UCLA"Complete and concise. Fulton Jr.,
"A bible for the consumer who is looking for rejuvenation and is concerned about what procedure they really need ." -- James E. Kotler's book is certainly timely. Sound decisions translate to piece of mind—an important factor for plastic surgery." -- Howard Murad, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology, UCLA"Complete and concise. Fulton Jr., M.D., Ph.D., co-developer Retin-A®"An excellent resource for doctor and patient. Wagner, M.D., FACS, board certified plastic surgeon and author"Dr. It is a tremendous resource for patients contemplating cosmetic and/or reconstructive surgery." -- Paul Lambert, M.D., professor and chairman, otolaryngology—head and neck surgery, Medical Uni- Author tour planned for Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Miami, Milwaukee, New Orleans, New York City, and San Francisco- $40,000 publicity budgetHe lives in Los Angeles. . He is a clinical instructor at the UCLA Medical Center, an attending surgeon at the West Los Angeles Veteran's Medical Center, and board certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology/Head/Neck Surgery. A nationally recognized spokesperson for cosmetic surgeons, he has appeared on Access Hollywood, Deborah Norville Tonight, Entertainment Tonight, EXTRA, and Oprah. Robert Kotler, MD, FACS, is the author of Chemical Rejuvenation of the Face, The Consumer's Guidebook to Cosmetic Facial Surgery, and Secrets of a BeverlAnd you will not find many doctors who will fully explain their procedures, take the time educate you, answer your questions, or even tell you what questions you should be asking.Dr. But he soon alienated Sara by falling in love with her handsome, 20-something son from a previous marriage, installing this rather louche and exploitative if decorative young chap in their home, and lavishing money and attention on him, even considering adopting him at one point.At the same time, Wood also kept a secretary, Paul Rinard, another in the series of slightly-built, dark-haired young men with whom the painter surrounded himself, and with whom he was also in love -- albeit unrequited. A true abiding awakening will create a huge shift in your life as you know it. Most Americans know Grant Wood by only one paintinghis famous "American Gothic", which is one of the most recognizable and parodied paintings in history. A far better book is "A Smart Woman's Guide to Plastic Surgery" which is full of helpful and specific information.. I honestly didn't find anything wrong with it. One very moving piece of writing. Realy an amazing stunning book. Nor d
- Title : Secrets of a Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgeon: The Expert's Guide to Safe, Successful Surgery
- Author : Robert Kotler
- Rating : 4.67 (810 Vote)
- Publish : 2015-6-25
- Format : Hardcover
- Pages : 256 Pages
- Asin : 0971226202
- Language : English
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