Selasa, 19 Juli 2016

✓ Robert Polidori: Parcours Muséologique Revisité î PDF Download by ✓ Steidl eBook or Kindle ePUB free

Robert Polidori: Parcours Muséologique Revisité

  • Title : Robert Polidori: Parcours Muséologique Revisité
  • Author :
  • Rating : 4.67 (643 Vote)
  • Publish :
  • Format : Hardcover
  • Pages : 744 Pages
  • Asin : 3865217028
  • Language : English

But at the core his lens is focused on the remnants and traces of living he finds scattered in hallways, left in back rooms and worn on faades." . On the surface, his subjects are buildings. "Often considered an architectural photographer, Robert Polidori is in fact a photographer of habitatA wide-ranging collection of images by the widely exhibited New York-based p

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But at the core his lens is focused on the remnants and traces of living he finds scattered in hallways, left in back rooms and worn on faades." . On the surface, his subjects are buildings. "Often considered an architectural photographer, Robert Polidori is in fact a photographer of habitat

A wide-ranging collection of images by the widely exhibited New York-based photographer who focuses on cycles of construction, stasis, and decay in cities and buildings throughout the world

One of the world's largest palaces, and a symbol of absolute monarchy in France, Versailles is a supremely apropos building through which to address matters of revisionism, having been subjected to four building campaigns (between 1664 and 1697) by Louis XIV alone, and several modifications since. Photographed over a period of 25 years, the ever-evolving phases of Versaille's grandeur are here laid bare for the reader to decode and admire. In Parcours Muséologique Revisité Robert Polidori delivers a sublime photographic tract on architectural revisionism by charting the decades-long conservation project at Versailles. His work has been shown in Paris, Brasília, New York, Los Angeles and Minneapolis among many other places. A staff photographer for the New Yorker, Polidori has received numerous honors, including a World Press Award for his coverage of the construction of the Getty Museum and two Alfred Eisenstaedt Awards for his work in Havana and Brasilia. Robert Polidori was born in Montreal in 1951 and lives in New York City. His bestselling books Havana, Zones of Exclusion: Pripyat and Chernobyl and After the Flood are published by Steidl.. So what does restoring a room really entail? Does restoration intend the p

A beautiful meditation on history, time, and memory. The materials of this composition are of a type rarely seen in publishing. Realy an amazing stunning book. These are not easy, National Geographic type of travel shots. An truly wonderful collection.The actual photographs, which you can see in museums, galleries and auction houses, are even more impressive: You will need to linger over them, and go back to them from time to time. Knowledge of the actual historical events -- Louis XIV, the French Revolution -- also helps. The fine cloth bindings, the pastel colors, the quality photographic reproduction--the book is a statement of the best of the craft.The work of the author too is an inspiration: it shows the renovation of a part of Versailles, truly a behind the seen view not seen since the palace was visited by the various kings and queens who oversaw its initial construction.It is an historical documentation with a wry expression of insight: by the photographer, by the publisher

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