Kamis, 01 September 2016

✓ Read ↠ Grant Wood: A Life by R. Tripp Evans ✓ eBook or Kindle ePUB

A great coffee table book.. Two, there is something for everyone. Overall A+.. Read the dust jacket biography if you don't believe me. Sacchi Green (Ed.) always delivers.. No 4010 tractors were pictured.. As he writes, "Given the later insistence upon Wood's sturdy masculinity and embodiment of Midwestern morality, it is surprising to note the frequency and candor of thes

Grant Wood: A Life

  • Title : Grant Wood: A Life
  • Author :
  • Rating : 4.94 (800 Vote)
  • Publish :
  • Format : Hardcover
  • Pages : 402 Pages
  • Asin : 030726629X
  • Language : English

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A great coffee table book.. Two, there is something for everyone. Overall A+.. Read the dust jacket biography if you don't believe me. Sacchi Green (Ed.) always delivers.. No 4010 tractors were pictured.. As he writes, "Given the later insistence upon Wood's sturdy masculinity and embodiment of Midwestern morality, it is surprising to note the frequency and candor of these early references to his homosexuality."To take just one example, Wood's friend MacKinlay Kantor (who won later fame as a Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and screenwriter) wrote in his gossip column for the Des Moines Tribune-Capital, emphasizing Wood's bachelorhood: "Pink of face and plump of figure, he was most nearly in character one night when he appeared at a costume party dressed as an angel -- wings, pink flannel nightie, pink toes, and even a halo, supported by a stick thrusting up his back."Not only did Kantor link Wood's costume to common stereotypes of the "fairy," but after comparing Wood to Snow White, who lay imprisoned in a glass coffin await

Evans's in-depth, gendered readings of Wood's paintings situate him in the longer history of male artists' gendered self-portrayals (bracketed by Oscar Wilde and Jackson Pollock), providing a useful new insight into Wood's place in American art. All rights reserved. From Publishers Weekly The fame of the iconic, often parodied American Gothic has long masked its creator. Evans, an art historian at Wheaton College in Massachusetts, argues that even more has been misread, overshadowing a rich and varied artistic career. 16 pages of color photos; b&w illus. The complicated relationship included living together until Nan married--perhaps a reaction to Wood's hard and detached father, who died when Wood was 10. Associ

L. He appeared to be a self-taught painter with his scenes of farmlands, farm workers, and folklore but he was classically trained, a sophisticated artist who had studied the Old Masters and Flemish art as well as impressionism. We see Wood’s homosexuality and how his studied masculinity was a ruse that shaped his work.Here is Wood’s life and work explored more deeply and insightfully than ever before. In his time, he was an “almost mythical figure,” recognized most supremely for his hard-boiled farm scene, American Gothic, a painting that has come to reflect the essence of America’s traditional values—a simple, decent, homespun tribute to our lost agrarian age. Grant Wood called himself a farmer-painter but farming held little interest for him. He claimed to be “the plainest kind of fellow you can find. Mencken referred to as “the booboisie” of small-town America. Drawing on letters, the artist’s unfinished autobiography, his sister’s writings, and many never-before-seen documents, Evans’s book is a dimension

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