He also developed the open source log-synth projectdescribed in the book Sharing Big Data Safely (O’Reilly).Ted was the chief architect behind the MusicMatch (now YahooMusic) and Veoh recommendation systems, built fraud-detectionsystems for ID Analytics (LifeLock), and has issued 24 patents todate. He developed the t-digest algorithm used to estimateextreme quan
Title | : | Streaming Architecture: New Designs Using Apache Kafka and MapR Streams |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | 4.94 (255 Votes) |
Asin | : | 1491953926 |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 120Pages |
Publish Date | : | 2015-9-21 |
Language | : | English |
He also developed the open source log-synth projectdescribed in the book Sharing Big Data Safely (O’Reilly).Ted was the chief architect behind the MusicMatch (now YahooMusic) and Veoh recommendation systems, built fraud-detectionsystems for ID Analytics (LifeLock), and has issued 24 patents todate. He developed the t-digest algorithm used to estimateextreme quantiles. Ted has a PhD in computing science from University of Sheffield.When he’s not doing data science, he plays guitar and mandolin.Ted is on Twitter as @ted_dunning.
. T-digestWith a PhD in Biochemistry, she has years of experience as a research scientist and has written about a variety of technical topics. More and more data-driven companies are looking to adopt stream processing and streaming analytics. Ted is on Twitter as @ted_dunning.Ellen Friedman, a committer for the Apache Drill and Apache Mahout projects, is a solutions consultant and well-known speaker and author, currently writing mainly about big data topics. He currently serves as VP for Incubator at the Apache Foundation, as a champion and mentor for a large number of projects, and as committer and PMC member of the Apache ZooKeeper and Drill projects. Ellen is on Twitter as @Ellen_Friedman.. To illustrate the effectiveness of these technologies, this book also includes specific use cases.Ideal for developers and non-technical people alike, this book describes:- Key elements in good design for streaming analytics, focusing on the essential characteristics of the messaging layer
- New messaging technologies, including ApacheAbout the AuthorTed Dunning is Chief Applications Architect at MapR Technologiesand active in the open source community.He currently serves as VP for Incubator at the Apache Foundation,as a champion and mentor for a large number of projects, and ascommitter and PMC member of the Apache ZooKeeper and Drillprojects. He also developed the open source log-synth projectdescribed in the book Sharing Big Data Safely (O’Reilly).Ted was the chief architect behind the MusicMatch (now YahooMusic) and Veoh recommendation systems, built fraud-detectionsystems for ID Analytics (LifeLock), and has issued 24 patents todate. T-digest has been adopted by several open sourceprojects. He developed the t-digest algorithm used to estimateeThis is the first part of a series, but is also a stand alone book.. But this is a hoot to read. Not that anyone suffered for it. The hardbound book is an exceptional value at $22.00. You feel drawn into every moment of the lifestyle of the time -- you become a part of living in the history.When it comes to the trial, instead of the few verses of the New Testament that we have had to live with for a lifetime, she offers an examination of every aspect of the process of the trial. Even after reading this story out-loud a few times I still find myself stumbling over the words because the punctuation and layout is not right.. It is a cute book for little kids with an explanation at the bottom of each page describing the portion of prayer used. This is a well-written, informative book with a lot of different ideas for sketching. Some of the best writers of gay erotica are represented, including T. It also uses the terms "sins" in replacement of "trespasses". If you can read the ingredients on a tube of toothpaste, you will be able to read it. You feel for the characters- the good and the evil- whenever they're in dire peril. If you are selling professi
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